
(teeth straightening)

Invisalign, C-fast, Smile Direct and SureAlign are all brands of aligners. Aligners have become the most popular way for adults to quickly straighten their teeth. As it is not as intrusive and much more comfortable than most other dental treatment patients love it!

It works by using a series of Aligners (gumshields/mouth guards), that move teeth in a short space of time. Patients are given a set and instructed to change them weekly or fortnightly, with each set moving the teeth closer to the desired position. Multiple sets are given away at once, which means potential less visits to the surgery. 

Aligners can be used to rotate teeth, close gaps, bring teeth into the correct position and in general give a better appearance to all teeth. This leads to renewed confidence when smiling.

People are in more online meetings and spend days looking at themselves. This has lead to a direct increase in the number of enquiries and treatment for aligners! 

What’s great about aligners is that they are practically invisible and so comfortable. They do require a little adjustment period, but most people forget they are wearing them after a few days! Aligners are great for simple cases and can work in as little as a month! Most cases are usually around 4 months.

Aligners sometime cannot be used for particular cases, when that happened we can offer braces as an alternative to achieve the desired result.