
Implant secured

Most people who use dentures are able to eat and function normally. A lot of dentures wears have had their dentures for a long time and love the fit and appearance. If you find yourself in that group of people, we would advise you to continue using your dentures.

Sadly, we see so many people who struggle to chew comfortably due to ill-fitting dentures. They dislike the look of them and find them massive in their mouth. So our solution is implant retained/secured dentures. Using implants to act as a steadfast anchor, we can offer denture stabilisation which can transform your comfort, self-esteem and self-confidence.

Implants are titanium screws placed into the jaw. Depending on the treatment choice,  the dimension of your mouth and the level and quality of bone, between 2-8 implants can be placed to secure a denture. The implants require up to six months to heal and bond with your jaw in order to provide that solid foundation for your denture. During this time you will have a temporary denture in place, quite often this is your old denture that has been adapted to be placed over the implants. 

The next option is then to decide what type of denture you would like. There a many materials to choose from, click here to see the section on dentures. The denture will be designed and customised for you. The implants in the mouth will contain small, discrete connectors. The connectors can be magnets or tiny balls which locator onto matching areas on the denture and clip or click in. they are so sturdy, we have patients who can eat apples again!!

This type of denture is also known as an over denture, and patients find it very comfortable. Not only that, it gives them confidence to eat what they want and get a long-lasting great smile