What is Invisalign?

What is Invisalign?

Put in its simplest terms, Invisalign is a brand of clear plastic gumshields (called aligners) that dentists and orthodontists provide patients. They move the teeth over time and each week or second week the aligner is replaced. This process is repeated until the teeth move into the desired position.

OK that was super simple and for most people you can stop reading this article as that all the information you need…… But for those of you who want to understand what is really going on, read on. Don’t worry, it’s not long.

It’s all in the Name

Invisalign is a brand just like BMW, Nissan, Nike or Adidas. Just like each of those brands, you have a range of options. Depending on your dentist or aligner provider, it may not be Invisalign. The important thing to understand is that aligner technology is the same everywhere.

This type of treatment is called orthodontics, and aligners make up a small arm of that speciality. There are a lot of providers out there from 3M, quick straight teeth, Invisalign (obviously!!) and 6 months smiles. Which one you decide to go for isn’t massively important.

What matters most is that you know what aligners can and cannot do.

Aligners are great for really simple cases where a few teeth at the front have been pushed in, or rotated or drifted away. They are also great if you had braces when you were a teenager and like many people you may have forgotten to wear your retainer (how naughty!). If your teeth have started to move back to their old position. Aligners may be the perfect solution. They are removable, super snug and comfortable.

Warning, if your teeth have significant crowding, or rotation aligners may not be best for you. Please do not be angry with your dentist if they advise you need fixed braces. Most dentists are lovely people, so don’t be too mean! Sadly aligners cannot do everything so if the case is too complex we may have to go back to the drawing board.

Last bit!! So aligners are great they range from around £1300 (for very, very easy cases) up to £4500. The higher cost will be for more difficult cases or if you live in the centre of London (sorry guys, it true!!). If you want more information about Aligners or orthodontics, click the button below to see me go into more detail!!

Learn about Aligners